Settle medical claimsfairer, faster!
We meticulously calculate reasonable, defendable charges that help our clients prove the inaccuracy of inflated bodily injury claims
We serve anyone responding to a bodily injury claim made against a transportation company, including:
Auto Insurance or Trucking Companies
- Risk Managers
- Claims Department Directors
- C-suite Executives
Insurance Companies Insuring the Transportation Industry
- Bodily Injury Adjusters
- Claims Examiners
Law Firms Defending the Transportation Industry
- Defense Attorneys
- Legal Team
When a bodily injury claim has been made against your company or your client, you want a fair settlement.

The trouble is
most claims include outrageously inflated medical expenses, making them anything but fair.
Which is so obnoxiously unjust that it makes you see red.
You (or your client) want to take responsibility for reasonable wrongdoing, of course, but shouldn’t be exploited in the process.
AT RESOLVE, we know how aggressively some medical facilities markup their prices
(especially evident in bodily injury claims) and how devastating unfair settlements can be for transportation companies.
That’s why we meticulously calculate reasonable, defendable charges that prove the inaccuracy of inflated claims.
Our unique methodology and expertise.
has helped our clients avoid overpayment of millions of dollars in healthcare charges
We’ve been using this approach since 2003
Our average savings for clients is 78%
Our database has more than 20+ years of historical and current financial data (over 500 million data points) for every hospital in the United States.
Our average savings for clients is 50 states and have a particularly high demand in Texas.
Our turnaround time on most claims is 1 to 3 days
Marc Chapman
Founder and President Marc Chapman is an expert in healthcare finance who has worked in the healthcare field since 1983. He developed a database with over 500 million financial data elements for every hospital in the country. This involved developing and maintaining a software program that uses analytics to calculate an equitable and reasonable hospital and medical bill repricing methodology. He is qualified to testify in court proceedings as an expert in healthcare pricing.
Read more about ChapmanWhat People Say
Our comprehensive reports are used by
auto insurance companies, trucking companies, insurance adjusters, and law firms to expose facilities that have intentionally overcharged.
Here’s how to access the truth about your claims, too:
Request your first report—on us
Simply send us a claim and we’ll do the rest, free of charge.
Get results within a few business days
You don’t have time to waste, so we’ll turn around your defendable report within 1–5 business days. Don’t hesitate to let us know if you need a rush.
Shine a spotlight on injustice
Our methodology and reports accurately define what the claim in question should be, often 70-80% less than what it is.

Here’s betting our reports seem too good to be true. If you’re waiting for the “catch,” you won’t find it. As experts in healthcare finance, our team knew that others deserved a way to do what we’ve been doing in our practice for decades.
The data is persuasive and will stand up in court
We guarantee a turnaround time of less than five business days.
You can settle fairer, faster by eliminating negotiation guesswork.
Each report is developed per claim (including an unlimited number of claimants) for a flat rate of just $325 and your first report is free!
GET YOUR FIRST REPORT — FREE!Note: This will auto-generate an email to [email protected] with short instructions to attach a claim or demand.
Our comprehensive Maturity Model allows you to identify, understand, and prioritize actionable improvements points within your organization.
Absolutely! If you are utilizing our service, we will support you in the litigation process.
Accelerating delivery and overcoming roadblocks requires in-depth knowledge of multiple domain expertise. Our teams bring a 360° skill set to enable your project’s successful delivery.

Learn how to hold unjust medical facilities accountable and improve your settlement outcomes, often including savings of 70 – 80%.
You don’t request a RESOLVE report for your claim and:
- Risk paying more than is fair in your settlement.
- Are subject to indefensible adjustments in court.
- Spend valuable time organizing, correcting, and analyzing medical expenses.
- If you’re an insurance company, risk a drop in ratings and decreased commissions.
You do request a RESOLVE report for your claim and:
- hold unjust medical facilities and plaintiff attorneys accountable.
- improve settlement outcomes, often including savings of 70-80%.
- save hours of valuable time in claim review and adjustments.
- have the backup of a credible third party in court if needed.
- if you’re an insurance company, earn better ratings and increased commissions.